May 03, 2012

What Kind Of Trouble....

No trouble.  Not at all.  I never EVER get into trouble, not as long as my hands and mind are busy.  Oh, wait.  Busy minds can get you into trouble.  Like when you're innocently looking around the net and come up with more ideas.  So, let' see what kind of trouble I can get my brain into.

New Bracelet Supplies
I went shopping and got myself a boat load of bracelet supplies.  I'd never really thought too much more about bracelets other than some chain on both sides of a copper blank.  But then I came across these cool leather wristband blanks.

In high school I had made a hand embossed leather wallet.  It turned out great and and I loved it.  I won't have time to get into full leather work, but I love the idea of stamping on metal and attaching it to leather.  Now that I can do!!  So, more to come on that.

Today my grand daughter learned metal stamping.  She stamped her name on a copper cuff blank and she did a great job.  I hope she enjoyed it and can find as much pleasure in creating as I do.

Copper Cuff Bracelets

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