April 18, 2010

My, how time flies!

Can you believe it? One year!! I've been with ArtFire for ONE whole year! And what a great year it's been.

You know, I have always said things happen for a reason. Let me elaborate....

Way back when, I needed a job so I could take care of myself. No more being a housewife/mother. Went to school, got a job, hated it. But met some cool people, made some great friends, had a customer talk me into going to college.

At college met some of my best friends every, loved school, loved the research I did. Graduated, got an awesome job. After 6 years hated the new owner, quit, got a crappy job with awesome people and great benefits.

Had a friend at this job talk me into taking lampwork classes, found my new passion, sold stuff on Etsy. Etsy started to irritate me, I moved to ArtFire, LOVE it, met some even more awesome friends (waves to all her great Etsy, AF and Plurk friends) which brings me to my one year anniversary.

That's my life all summed up in a couple paragraphs. And because I am really happy at ArtFire, and really do love all my great friends and customers, I need to do something special!

So stay tuned...more to come :)

1 comment:

CraftingWit said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!! (waves back!) Hope it's the first of many, many more to come!!!! Wishing you the best, always!

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