June 23, 2010

Have you lost it?

Do you ever feel that way? Like you've lost it? Lost your mojo, your creativity, your inspiration, your mind??

That's how I feel today. I've been pondering these odd feelings, and I've had them for some time now. And it suddenly occurred to me what I've done wrong-again!!

I get so wrapped up in the marketing aspect of my business that I forget why I started this. I didn't start GlasstasticTreasures because I wanted to learn how to market, I started because I love creating lampwork beads.

I haven't been at my torch in weeks, maybe a month. I can feel my creativity draining. I feel like I no longer have any idea what to make or what to do.

So, I think it's time to put the "business" part of my business on vacation and have some fun. And that means, you guessed it...LAMPWORK BEADS!!!

Time to fire up the torch and let the creating begin! woohoo!!! Feel free to let me know what you'd like to see when I'm done melting glass. I love to hear your ideas, that's the best inspiration I could ask for!


Maybeads said...

I know what you mean, Jamie. I get caught up in the marketing aspect of it, too. And it's the worst when you finally get to torch and nothing's coming to you. I hope you had a creativity-packed torch session and it feels like you never took a month-long break. You know I love your critters, so I say make more of those. How about a frog? Have a good day!

Em+Mad said...

I know exactly what you mean!! I need to buckle down and take my pieces to another level. I can't concentrate on creating new pieces, when I am too busy thinking about the next sale. Great advice, my friend!!!!

Deb DiSalvo said...

how about a cute little yellow bird? :o)

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