August 03, 2010

Hot From The Kiln....

This weekend was a great weekend.  I got some torch time in, and I really love melting glass. 

As you can tell, I was feeling a little froggie.  They turned out really well, I think. I started with the tall style, seen in the back row.  And quickly changed to the horizontal form.  The legs are really fun to make.  But I'm thinking they need to be just a touch fatter!

But my favorite one was the fat little penguin.  He turned out so cute!  I went with a chubby shape.  I love chubby!!!

The last ones I created where the Potato heads.  Believe it or not those really drive me nuts.  First of all, I always forget the ears on the first one.  Not that it really matters, you could make him with one eye.  I mean, after all, Mr. Potato Head is a totally customizable toy.  But then I finally remember the ear and I one goes off center!! GAH  Then, there is so much tiny detail, it's hard not to melt them all in.  So the going is slow.  And last, I never make him chubby enough.  I like chubby!!!

But he's still cute. And that's what came from my kiln last weekend :)


Niki said...

Those are great! And I agree - that penguin is so cute!!

Maybeads said...

I love the frogs!

Creative Critters said...

I just ADORE your beads! In fact, I may be getting myself a little treat from your shop really soon!
-Michelle of CreativeCritters

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