As I sit here with two minutes to go before I need to get ready to work I suddenly feel the need to put this in writing. I've been so incredibly busy lately with work at my day job, family, friends and life. And I love it. But it leaves little free time for my wonderful handstamping work.
Just before Father's Day I took the week off from online selling and I have to admit I was relieved not to have to check my emails every hour and update listing and do this and that and the other thing. So I started to get this idea...what if....
What if I took the summer off?
But then this little question grew into....What if I just went back to lampworking and made beads when I wanted. No custom orders, no stamping, no pushing orders out the door. And I felt relief with that idea.
So, being a cheap skate I decided I would let my items expire over the summer and see how it goes, and see how I feel. I may yet just put my shops on vacation again, and give my brain some relief.
More to come....