June 18, 2009

A great end to a crazy week!

First of all I would like to thank two wonderful people, Jenn from JennuineCandles and Willow Walker for awarding me with the "One Lovely Blog Award". I mean, I know it looks cool and everything, but who'd a known it was that cool?

I thank you both, and it is greatly appreciated. So now I get the prestigious honor of awarding this title to not 15, but 30 blogs! Wow! So, let's start the countdown....

So here are the rules for the One Lovely Blog Award

1. Accept the award
2. Post it on your blog together with the name of the person (or persons) who has granted the award, along with their blog link.
3. Pass the award on to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. (And don't forget to contact them that they have been chosen for this award.)

30. My First ward goes to Hey Lola. She's completely snarky in her blog, and I totally wanna be like her when I grow up. Which isn't going to be any time soon since I'm 45 and haven't grown up yet. Oh, and she's a ninja bride too. Or something cool like that.

29. Goes to my friend Deb of ArtisticFlair. I love Deb's wit and her awesome fused artwork. I met Deb through Etsy when she asked me to make her some goddess beads, which I had never done before. But I was up for the challenge, and she was extremely patient while I practiced until I made some she was thrilled with. And Deb has a rocking blog too.

28. Goes to Kay Sommers of Popnicute. And Popnicute she is, and so is her blog, and her jewelry is totally awesome. She has great stuff for everyone on her blog, from informative to fashion. Go check it out!

27. Goes to Jenny of Jenny Karlsson Designs. Her blog features just about every cool artisan there is. And she has a ton of cool links, and a list of even more blogs to check out. And she also shows us her great work there as well.

26. Goes to Amy Designs Musings. Amy has great tutorials and how-to's on her blog. And I love those!! She also has a featured artisan section. That's so awesome!!

25. Goes to Valerie of Emily Claire Creations. Her tag line is earthy elemental jewelry. That just sounds yummy. Her business is named after her daughters. And what beautiful names. Valerie's blog is fresh and new.

24. Goes to Eileen of Dorset Hill Beads. Eileen always has a new little tidbit for us almost every day. And she has tons of cool and cute little links to enjoy as well.

23. Goes to Deon of MNHPhotography. Her photos are amazing. It's hard to talk about anything else when I get so absorbed in her great pictures! I know there's more stuff on there, but I can't pull my eyes away from her photos! lol

22. Goes to 3zArt. You can find featured artisans which is really a great feature. As well as links to her goodies. And the bright cheery color makes your day!

21. Goes to Neoma Jewelry. She not only features her great work, but the work of others too. I love reading and learning about other artisans.

Thank you for sharing your great blogs, everyone. Please go visit their blogs and see what they have to offer. I'll be back with 10 more in couple of days!


Amy Cavaness said...

Thank you so much for the award! I'm glad you like the tutorials.

Eileen said...

thank you for the award...i accept the award with honor...i'll work this weekend on passing it on...thanks again...

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